Almost 600 entries participated in the 11th edition of the Harry Jerome Indoor Games at the Richmond
Olympic Oval organized by the Achilles Track and Field Society and the Richmond Kajaks.
Meet Directors, Carl Savage Fred Pawluk saw a shift in participation towards the younger athletes from the lower mainland and Vancouver Island after the almost 3 year pandemic hiatus.

The young athletes and their parents were introduced to Olympic medalists, Robert Esmie, Charmaine Crooks and Lynn Kanuka by Achilles Society, president Dr Ken Poskitt at the opening ceremonies.

Dr Poskitt announced that just over one year ago, a group of volunteers lead by the Achilles Society have raised funds from the track and field community supporters to create the Doug and Diane Clement Scholarship Fund.

He reported that with this community involvement, sufficient funds have been raised to create four $5000 awards to both male and female student athletes at UBC and SFU starting this September.
This plan is secured for the next 10 years and will likely grow beyond that perpetually.

from L-John Wheeler, Gabby Young, Carl Savage, Faye Brownlie, Gerry Swan, Leslie Abramson and Brian Pound.
Dr Ken Poskitt introduced fellow Achilles member, John Wheeler who announced the 2022 Builder Award
recipients. Leslie Abramson, Brian Pound, Anne Cliff, Carl Savage, Gerry Swan and Kim Young.
These Achilles members have contributed decades of support to our youth since the origin of the society in 1964.

The Vancouver Thunderbirds were the Eaton Cup winners once again as the highest scoring track and field club in the meet.